Avangard Co-Sponsors Charitable Marathon

Avangardco IPL has co-sponsored a charitable marathon, enitled Chestnut Run, which was held on Kiev Day to raise funds for an inititive advanced by the Cardiology and Cardiosurgery Centre under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to help children suffering from cardiac disorders. All proceeds from this worthy fund-raising exercise have been transferred to the Centre to procure any necessary medicines and equipment.

The Chetsnit Run is one of the largest charitable campaigns regularly held in Ukraine aimed at raising public awareness about childhood mortality and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Several runs were organised as part of the marathon: for children aged up to 7 years, sportsmen, participants on wheelchairs and anyone else who wished to run. This year’s 21st Chestnut Run scored a record-high turnout drawing 13,111 rparticipants to the Run which was held in downtown Kiev. The marathon raised nearly 650thou grivnas donated by people committed to its noble goal.

Avangardco IPL played a prominent role in supporting the marathon as an opportunity of lending a helping hand to the young patients of the Cardiology Centre, which we hope will become a worthy corporate tradition for Avangard’s entire team.