Avangard Tops the List of Top 7 Chicken Egg Exporters

Ukraine continues to grow sales to foreign markets for chicken eggs. Over the past two years, Ukrainian egg producers have more than doubled their exports. Avangard, Europe’s largest producer of chicken eggs and egg products, proudly tops the list of Ukraine’s top 7 chicken egg exporters as of 2018, according to Latifundist.com

he ranking is based on data provided by the Union of Poultry Farmers of Ukraine and marks a substantial increase in Ukrainian egg exports over the past two years. Whereas in 2016, Ukraine exported nearly 850 million eggs, in 2018, the export volume more than doubled reaching a total of 1.79 billion eggs. The export growth has been driven by growing production and the opening up of new markets. According to official statistics, industrial egg production grew 6.4% in 2018 YOY reaching a total of 8.9 billion eggs. Leaving competitors far behind is the egg-farming company Avangard, majority-owned by the Ukrainian businessman Oleg Bakhmatiuk and selling eggs in Ukraine under the trade mark of Kvochka. Avangard’s share of Ukrainian egg exports is 46.7%, as of 2018.

According to the Union of Poultry Farmers of Ukraine, in 2018, Ukrainian egg producers secured permits to export shell eggs to Montenegro, Serbia, Hong Kong and Singapore, and egg products to Montenegro, Serbia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Morocco and the Philippines. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, last year, Ukraine exported a total of 107.5 thousand tonnes, which exceeded the 2017 volume (88.6 thousand tonnes) by 21%. In value terms, Ukrainian egg exports grew 37% in 2018 reaching a total value of $94.1 m ($68.9 m in 2017).

The top three largest buyers remained the same as in 2017: UAE ($34.5 m), Iraq ($19 m) and Qatar ($9.7 m). Egg imports fell by 40% from 5.7 thousand tonnes in 2017 to 3.4 thousand tonnes in 2018. In value terms, imports diminished by 32.5% from $19.4 m in 2017 to $13.1 m in 2018.

AgroPolit.com earlier published its own Top 9 rating of Ukraine’s leading egg exporters in 2018 also placing at the top Oleg Bakhmatiuk’s Avangard, the unrivalled leader among Ukrainian exporters of eggs and eggs products for several years now.

Avangard (AVANGARDCO IPL), Ukraine’s largest producer of eggs and dried egg products, forms part of the Ukrlandfarming Group owned by the Ukrainian businessman Oleg Bakhmatiuk. The Avangard company incorporates 19 laying farms, 3 hatcheries, 10 rearing farms, 6 feed mills, 3 long-term egg storage facilities, 2 full-cycle poultry complexes Avis and Chornobaivske and the egg processing plant Imperovo Foods. The company’s eggs and egg products are certified to Halal and licenced to be imported to the European Union.

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