Europian Union allows Ukraine to supply eggs, egg products, birds and poultry

Ukraine has received the right to supply eggs, egg products, birds and poultry to the European Union, the State Veterinary and Biosecurity Service of Ukraine has said. 

“On December 4, at a meeting of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCOFCAH) of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers, a technical vote on the draft instruction on the inclusion of Ukraine on the list of the third countries that have the right to import poultry products to the EU was taken,” reads the statement.

The exact date when Ukraine will be able to commence export its poultry product is not stated. Relevant amendments have to be made to the regulations of the European Commission, and this may take from two to three months.

AVANGARDCO IPL comment: AVANGARDCO IPL considers the European market as one of its priority export markets as the Company’s strategy aims at diversification of export markets. Once all the final agreements completed and Ukrainian companies will be able to supply its poultry products to the European market, the Company will start the first deliveries to the EU. AVANGARDCO IPL is in the final stage of implementation of its two investment projects “Avis” and “Chornobaivske” that will significantly increase the Company’s egg production and will provide the Company with the opportunity to export products both on existing export markets and the European market.