Avangardco IPL supports young gymnasts

As part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives, Avangardco IPL supports numerous sporting events promoting healthy lifestyles among youth and children. Recently the company sponsored the 3-rd Open Gymnastics Championship entitled “The Realm of Young Gymnasts” which took place [in Kiev] between on 22-24 February, 2013.

The Championship was hosted by School No. 3 under the Spartacus Society of Physical Training and drew 320 participants from 24 cities of Ukraine and Russia.

During three days, the gymnasts demonstrated their skill in front of professional judges and fought for medals.

As a result, young athletes won more than 20 medals. All winners and medalists were awarded with honorary diplomas, medals of various classes and prizes from the organizers and partners of the tournament.

Avangardco IPL is dedicated to supporting sports among youth and children as part of its commitment to promoting public health.