AVANGARDCO INVESTMENTS PUBLIC LIMITED Invites you to a visit of its operations in Ukraine on 7 July 2011

AVANGARDCO INVESTMENTS PUBLIC LIMITED, the leading producer of shell eggs and egg products in Ukraine, invites you to visit its operations at the Avis egg production complex in the Khmelnytsk region of Ukraine. There will also be an opportunity to meet the company’s major shareholder, senior management and operating team.

The visit is timed to coincide with the completion the construction of facilities for laying hens at the Avis egg production complex.

Date: 6-8 July 2011

Preliminary Itinerary:

July 6th, 2011

 Arrival to Kyiv (Borispil airport), accommodation in hotelKyiv
July 7th, 2011
 Charter flight from Kyiv 
 Site-visit to AvisKhmelnytsk region
 Charter flight to Kyiv 
 Reception at B-Hush restaurantKyiv
July 8th, 2011
 Departure of investors (Borispil airport)Kyiv

The above itinerary is provisional and exact times may vary. The cost of internal flights as well as accommodation will be funded by Avangard, however, travel to and from Kyiv from abroad will not be.

RSVP to Olga Terebova / Oleg Leonov at Financial Dynamics (Olga.Terebova@fd.com / Oleg.Leonov@fd.com, +7 495 795 0623) by June 28th, 2011.

Please also let Olga know if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you in Kyiv!

About Avis:

Avis is a large-scale investment project that is being built in accordance with the best and most modern construction and agricultural practices, utilising state of the art energy saving technologies. The Complex is designed to be labour-efficient, with a high level of automatization across all production processes. The equipment is provided by leading suppliers, including ANDRITZ (Austrіa), Big Dutchman (the Netherlands), Cimbria (Denmark) and Facco (Іtaly).